Welcome to the New Year of 2020

Whoever thought that we would be writing 2020 on our checks so soon? Every new year, we launch out into the future with a measure of fear and trepidation. To mortal men with limited vision of future events, crossing over the threshold of a new year can be scary. But…

A Bible Basis for the Anti-Abortion Position

In Northern Ireland, where the Free Presbyterian Church originated, the British Government recently forced its citizens to surrender their anti-abortion position. Here in Canada, leading up to the recent Canadian federal election, abortion was bandied about as a political football. Even political leaders who are opposed to abortion did not have…

Bible Birds

There are more different birds mentioned in the Bible than any other group of animals. Ancient Israelites were familiar with Palestinian birds and God frequently used them to teach spiritual truths. Swallows, a common Palestinian bird, are known for building nests in protected places, like under the eaves of buildings. It…

Q & A With the Presbytery Treasurer

As treasurer of the presbytery, Mr. George Robinson is the man responsible for the finances of our denomination. He is the chairman of the Finance Committee while Mr. Tim Farr manages the funds in the United States. The presbytery finances are carefully managed by the Finance Committee to fund each…

It’s Time for Marriage

Next issue I want to start a series of articles for young people on the subject of marriage. A bad and unhappy marriage brings much misery and the prudent see the evil ahead and hide themselves (Proverbs 27:12). It is important to think through the issues and try to prepare…

Genesis: God’s Book of Beginnings (4)

SUMMARY OF THE CHAPTER 4 Life in a fallen world after Adam’s sin was dramatically different from life in the perfect world where God had placed Adam and Eve, directly after their creation. After the fall of the world into sin, worship required blood sacrifices. Enmity arose between true and…

Church News From Mexico

In August, our church received the FPCNA mission team members, who were able to accomplish a lot in a short time. Not only did we enjoy their fellowship personally, we know that several in our congregation developed lasting friendships with those on the team. They were also able to distribute…

Congress Echoes at Malvern Week of Prayer

For the first time since 2009, the Free Presbyterian Church of Malvern, PA was the host for the Week of Prayer and regular meeting of the presbytery. Several of those who attended the meetings from October 7-11 could remember their experience as delegates to the 4th International Congress of Free…

Presbyterianism’s Continuing Battle for the Faith

The aspects of the revival of Presbyterianism during the Reformation period had emphases in theology and church government. In theology, Presbyterianism returned to its Biblical roots in its emphasis on salvation by grace alone and its rejection of human merit as the guarantor of acceptance with God. In church government,…

“It is Well with My Soul”

A Christian’s ultimate hope and confidence is never in present earthly circumstances. Men of the world whose souls are in danger of destruction may enjoy the sweetest surroundings of life, while a Christian may be found in the direst straits through tragedy, leading to thoughts of despair. Horatio Spafford had…