Throughout the course of history, Christians have suffered hardships in many different ways. Perhaps you’ve heard the suggestion that if you want to know why Christians suffer, read the book of Job. At first, Job receives a high commendation from God: “And the Lord says unto Satan, Hast thou considered…
Tag: Winter 2018
Scholars speculate regarding which of Darwin’s observations inspired his evolutionary theory. The often suggested Galapagos Island finches, which today bear his name, probably had little to do with inspiring him and are actually poor examples of his theory. Darwin raised pigeons and quite probably these birds contributesd to his evolutionary thinking. By selecting odd…
Due to North Korea’s nuclear experiments, the tension on the Korean Peninsula continues to build. We have not had such a serious situation as this since the ceasefire of the Korean War in 1953. Even though there were several provocations by North Korea before, South Koreans have remained relatively patient…
The Aztecs were several tribes in the North of Mexico that settled near the Lake of the Texcoco and dwelt there until their conquest in 1521. Prior to the arrival of the Spaniards, the Aztecs, or more appropriately the “Mexicas”, were the dominant civilization, politically, militarily, and culturally. The concept…