A Pastor’s Heartaches

Sympathy is a big word in Christian circles. We preach Christ’s sympathy for His people and we encourage pastors to have sympathy to care for their peoples’ hurts. But have you ever stopped to think that pastors are also in need of sympathy? Let me plead for your sympathy toward…

Atonement Through the Blood of The Cross

The Psalmist wrote: “Blessed is he whose transgression is forgiven, whose sin is covered.” In Genesis chapter 3 a record is given of the Fall of man. Because of Adam’s disobedience the entire human race was plunged into an estate of misery. As a result, man stands in need of…

Encountering the Ark Encounter

Noah’s Ark was a big boat. Take off its roof, fill it with water, and Columbus’ Nina, Pinta, and Santa Maria could float around in it. Although impressive, to most people this kind of comparison means little. But your first sight of the ark in Williamston, Kentucky, will give you…

Genesis: God’s Book of Beginnings

Summary of the chapter: This chapter declares that God created the world out of nothing and organized it into a perfect world in six literal, twenty-four-hour days. It also declares that God created man in His own image and gave him dominion over the creatures. This is vital information about…

Presbyterianism’s Biblical Foundation

Debates over the method of church government have absorbed much energy and time. Particularly, those who favor a congregational or independent model of church government have insisted throughout the decades that the New Testament presents no other model, and that if it does, the peculiarities of the apostolic age rendered…

Book Review – Home-Making by J.R. Miller

Protecting the family is one of the highest priorities set forth in the Holy Scriptures. The Lord promises the blessing of an enduring stability and joy to families that carefully obey His Word. That is the only sure immunity from the epidemic of divorce and ruin that is now devastating…

God’s Increase in Jamaica

I recently had the pleasure of accompanying Dr. Larry Saunders on a visit to the Let the Bible Speak Church in Little London, Jamaica. During my flight home, I was organizing my thoughts for a presentation to our own congregation in Winston Salem. The Lord impressed on my mind Paul’s…

Parable of the Vineyard and Slain Son

Do you know what a “husbandman” is in the Bible? Hint: it has nothing to do with being married! A husbandman rented from a landowner, tending his crops. When harvest came, the husbandman gave his landowner a large portion of the crop. Matthew 21 speaks about religious leaders in Jerusalem’s…