Bible Study With Rev. Andrew Foster

I caught up with Rev. Andrew Foster to ask some simple—but I trust, helpful—questions on Bible Study.  Editor. Why is it important to study diligently the use of Bible words? Words are the building blocks of intelligible communication and knowledge. Necessarily, they must have clear and precise meaning. We can…

Marijuana Madness

Marijuana madness is happening across North America. It’s only a matter of time now before marijuana is legalized in Canada, as is already the case in Colorado, California, and several other American states. This is an alarming turn of events which flies in the face of its shady history and…

The Sunday School: Plan to Succeed

In recognition that the children before us are either saved or lost, we must aim at bringing the Word of God to them in a manner that seeks both to evangelize and edify. Both of these aims are addressed by bringing Christ to their hearts: Christ who is presented in…

Meeting to Pray

To say that Christians should meet together to pray seems to state the obvious. The more crucial issue is, “Why are meetings for prayer either non-existent, poorly attended, or considered optional in many churches? We need answers if we are going to experience healthy, meaningful seasons of corporate prayer in…

Consider the Lilies

Consider the lilies of the field, how they grow; they toil not, neither do they spin: And yet I say unto you, That even Solomon in all his glory was not arrayed like one of these. The Hebrew word שׁוֹשָׁן and the Greek κρίνον are generally translated lily. The white,…

Book Review – Christianity and Liberalism

Jude, one of the half brothers of our Lord Jesus, eagerly desired to share encouraging words to the other members of Christ’s church, but the Holy Spirit moved him to warn the saints about false teachers who had covertly slipped into the church. All faithful ministers of Christ want to…

My Testimony by Reggie Cranston

I was born the eldest of four sons in the city of Belfast; however, I lived most of my early years with my family in the country, where my father earned his living as a gun-dog trainer. My father had the great honor of training dogs for Sir Winston Churchill…

The Thundering Legion

Do you like “once-upon-a-time” stories? I’m sure, like most kids, you grew up with them. Even grown-ups enjoy them every now and then. Stories of romance and brave deeds can fire up our imagination. But when these kinds of stories are true, they thrill us even more—especially when they involve…

An Encounter at the Empty Tomb

Of all the doctrines within God’s Word, there is none more vital to the peace and joy of the believer than the doctrine of the resurrection of Jesus Christ. Paul declared that “if Christ be not risen, then is our preaching vain, and your faith is also vain” (1 Corinthians…

When This Passing World is Done

I was blessed to grow up in a home and church where hymns were beloved companions to life and worship. I have fond memories of Sunday-night singspirations, bonfire hymn-sings, and joyful singing from the top of a mountain while enjoying the view on a church hike. Our favorite hymns were…