Following from Part 1 Some years ago, former Russian President, Mikhail Gorbachev, asked US President, Ronald Reagan, as they looked down upon all the fancy houses while flying from Andrews Airforce Base in Maryland to the White House in Washington, D.C. ,“Are these houses the homes of your leaders?” Gorbachev…
Tag: Fall 2018
Before recorded music, before watching your favorite sports team, before television or videos, what did people do for entertainment? One answer: animal baiting. If you lived in virtually any European city around the time the King James Version of the Bible was being translated, bear baiting was a big thing.…
A new millennium calls for new biographies of the great, influential servants of God. Rev. Samuel Rutherford was indeed such a mighty servant of the Lord. He is to be remembered not only for the hymn “Immanuel’s Land” (which Anne Ross Cousin composed after being inspired by Rutherford’s last words),…