Poverty Exposed (Part 2)

Following from Part 1 Some years ago, former Russian President, Mikhail Gorbachev, asked US President, Ronald Reagan, as they looked down upon all the fancy houses while flying from Andrews Airforce Base in Maryland to the White House in Washington, D.C. ,“Are these houses the homes of your leaders?” Gorbachev…

A Preacher’s Antidote to Apathy

The life of the preacher is not getting any easier. It takes the faith of a giant to keep on preaching in season and out of season. Right now, it appears we are out of season as our culture dives further into sin. God’s call to proclaim the good news…

My Testimony by Joan Pinkston

The older I get the more I realize the great blessing of a Christian home. Some of my earliest memories are about music in our Chicago church. At four years old, a friend and I sang duets in church. I recall joyous congregational singing of the great old hymns. I…

A Wicked Son is Welcomed Home

Have you ever heard a parable? Jesus told several parables. They are stories that teach us spiritual lessons. In Luke 15, Jesus tells a parable about an unwise young man who wasn’t content with his life. We don’t know his name, but we know he had a loving father and…