Lord, Teach Us To Pray

The first “prayer” that I learned in the Roman Catholic Church was the “Hail Mary” which my priest taught me was the right way to pray. I remember repeating it before going to bed, until I discovered, by God’s grace, that not only was this prayer wrong, but it was…

Faithful Praise Through Songs and Hymns

Give unto the LORD the glory due unto his name; worship the LORD in the beauty of holiness (Psalm 29:2). When it comes to giving the Lord His due in corporate worship, Presbyterians have recognized historically that God cannot be worshipped in any way we choose. There must be scriptural…

Biblical Gardens

A garden is a well watered, richly nourished, carefully tended place for the cultivation of plants. A garden can be expansive or tiny, free form or formal. It may contain few varieties or a vast catalog of species. It may be virtually all shades of green or a profusion of…

Genesis: God’s Book of Beginnings (2)

SUMMARY OF THE CHAPTER 2 This chapter declares creation’s completion (v1-3), and expands on the methods and results of those six days of God’s creative work. It does not record a separate work of creation; it adds information to the details given in chapter one. Though man was also made…

Anti-Social Media

I understand it’s not a very positive title. I also understand that social media can be used for good purposes. Many Free Presbyterian ministers and churches are very active in their social media presence. Just because people abuse the internet and social media doesn’t make it inherently evil. The popular…

Atonement Through the Blood of The Cross

The Psalmist wrote: “Blessed is he whose transgression is forgiven, whose sin is covered.” In Genesis chapter 3 a record is given of the Fall of man. Because of Adam’s disobedience the entire human race was plunged into an estate of misery. As a result, man stands in need of…

Encountering the Ark Encounter

Noah’s Ark was a big boat. Take off its roof, fill it with water, and Columbus’ Nina, Pinta, and Santa Maria could float around in it. Although impressive, to most people this kind of comparison means little. But your first sight of the ark in Williamston, Kentucky, will give you…

Genesis: God’s Book of Beginnings

Summary of the chapter: This chapter declares that God created the world out of nothing and organized it into a perfect world in six literal, twenty-four-hour days. It also declares that God created man in His own image and gave him dominion over the creatures. This is vital information about…

Qualifications of a Sunday School Teacher

In this short series of articles, we have dealt with the aims of Sunday school teaching, the principles governing the content, and the importance of catechization. But who should take on the task of teaching? What qualities should we look for in identifying those who could be appointed? What attributes…

Poverty Exposed (Part 2)

Following from Part 1 Some years ago, former Russian President, Mikhail Gorbachev, asked US President, Ronald Reagan, as they looked down upon all the fancy houses while flying from Andrews Airforce Base in Maryland to the White House in Washington, D.C. ,“Are these houses the homes of your leaders?” Gorbachev…

Poverty Exposed (Part 1)

“The righteous considereth the cause of the poor: but the wicked regardeth not to know it” (Proverbs 29:7). True Christians want to know why people suffer under poverty. They also want to know how to bring relief biblically. Considering the “cause of the poor” does not mean one replaces the gospel…