Earnest Praying

St. Patrick of Ireland was a man who knew the Lord Jesus Christ as his Savior. Patrick opens his Confession, “My name is Patrick. I am a sinner, a simple country person, and the least of all believers.” Patrick would come to be known as the “Apostle of Ireland” as…

I Will Never Leave Thee

As we look back and watch 2020 in the rearview mirror of our lives, most will testify that 2020 was a year that will be associated with some form of loss. In this issue, Rev. Kimbro observes: “The year 2020 has been an unusual year to say the least. The…

Resting In Peace

Malvern Free Presbyterian Church hosted the memorial service for Colonel Frederick “Rick” Walker on Saturday, August 15, 2020. Colonel Walker served with great distinction for 25 years in the United States Air Force, earning multiple awards. In 1980, Rick was selected as the first commander of J6 Communications for the…

Unity in Difference

It was inevitable that this issue of Current would be dominated by Covid-19. Such has been the impact that most of us have had to view life through a virus-tainted lens. I have no delusions of grandeur regarding the import of this publication, but if the Lord tarries and there is…

Knowing What To Do

This edition of Current marks a change in the Editor. Rev. Ian Goligher has stepped down and Dr. Stephen Pollock is stepping into the role. When Jesus confronted Saul on the road to Damascus, He drew a question from Saul’s heart— “Lord, what wilt thou have me to do?” (Acts 9:6)…

Welcome to the New Year of 2020

Whoever thought that we would be writing 2020 on our checks so soon? Every new year, we launch out into the future with a measure of fear and trepidation. To mortal men with limited vision of future events, crossing over the threshold of a new year can be scary. But…

My New Bible

With my birthday approaching, my wife offered to buy me a new Bible to replace my old one that was showing its years of study and preaching. But I was so attached to my old Bible with its many portions highlight- ed, underlined, circled, and crammed with personal notes, I…

A Pastor’s Heartaches

Sympathy is a big word in Christian circles. We preach Christ’s sympathy for His people and we encourage pastors to have sympathy to care for their peoples’ hurts. But have you ever stopped to think that pastors are also in need of sympathy? Let me plead for your sympathy toward…

The Gospel According to Godliness

In recent times the Roman Catholic Church has been much in the news for all the wrong reasons. The mask of pious pretence came off to reveal fearful depths of depravity among her clergy. Corruption in the papacy, however, is nothing new. Before the Protestant Reformation, immorality of Roman Catholic…

A Preacher’s Antidote to Apathy

The life of the preacher is not getting any easier. It takes the faith of a giant to keep on preaching in season and out of season. Right now, it appears we are out of season as our culture dives further into sin. God’s call to proclaim the good news…

Because We Are Losing Our Free Speech

Recently, a Canadian newspaper posted the headline: “We are living in a country where you daren’t be anything but gay-friendly.” Lobbyists for a gender-free-for-all have moved from seeking freedom, to being left alone, to demanding positive engagement by all. These days, those who don’t embrace the full spectrum of gay…