It’s Time for Marriage

Next issue I want to start a series of articles for young people on the subject of marriage. A bad and unhappy marriage brings much misery and the prudent see the evil ahead and hide themselves (Proverbs 27:12). It is important to think through the issues and try to prepare…

A Youth Camp Reminder

I understand that not all who read this article attended the Youth Camp in July. If you’re reading these truths for the first time, that’s good. May the Lord bless them to your heart. Repetition is the way for God’s people to learn His truth. I pray that this will be…

Anti-Social Media

I understand it’s not a very positive title. I also understand that social media can be used for good purposes. Many Free Presbyterian ministers and churches are very active in their social media presence. Just because people abuse the internet and social media doesn’t make it inherently evil. The popular…

Qualifications of a Sunday School Teacher

In this short series of articles, we have dealt with the aims of Sunday school teaching, the principles governing the content, and the importance of catechization. But who should take on the task of teaching? What qualities should we look for in identifying those who could be appointed? What attributes…

Do I Have to Learn the Catechism?

I grew up as a Baptist in a town full of Presbyterians. In elementary school I wasn’t aware of the various differences regarding the sacraments or church government. But I was aware of one thing. My Presbyterian friends would talk about how they had to learn something called a catechism!…

The Sunday School: Plan to Succeed

In recognition that the children before us are either saved or lost, we must aim at bringing the Word of God to them in a manner that seeks both to evangelize and edify. Both of these aims are addressed by bringing Christ to their hearts: Christ who is presented in…

Depression: Its Causes and Cures

Depression hurts. Abraham Lincoln, in a bout of depression said: “I am the most miserable man living…Whether I shall ever be better, I cannot tell.” C. H. Spurgeon expressed his own trials: “I could weep by the hour like a child, and yet I knew not what I wept for…The…