Genesis: God’s Book of Beginnings (9)

SUMMARY OF CHAPTER 9 Key verse: “And I will establish my covenant with you; neither shall all flesh be cut off any more by the waters of a flood; neither shall there any more be a flood to destroy the earth” (Genesis 9:11). This is a clear promise regarding God’s…

Genesis: God’s Book of Beginnings (8)

SUMMARY OF CHAPTER 8 This is vital information about Noah’s worship by sacrifice and his survival because of God’s covenant of mercy. God stated that He would never again destroy “everything living” by water while the earth remained. Key verse: “And the LORD smelled a sweet savour; and the LORD…

Genesis: God’s Book of Beginnings (6)

SUMMARY OF CHAPTER 6 The rapid increase of the world’s population before the flood unleashed an appalling and widespread explosion of human depravity upon society. Intermarriage between the lines of Seth and Cain produced offspring that were renowned for violence and rebellion to God. God saw men as slaves to…

Genesis: God’s Book of Beginnings (5)

SUMMARY OF CHAPTER 5 This genealogy, which covers 1556 years after Creation, links Adam to Noah through the line of Seth. It gives the names of the patriarchs with the dates of their births and deaths. It provides means to calculate the year of the flood, which works out to…

Welcome to the New Year of 2020

Whoever thought that we would be writing 2020 on our checks so soon? Every new year, we launch out into the future with a measure of fear and trepidation. To mortal men with limited vision of future events, crossing over the threshold of a new year can be scary. But…

Q & A With the Presbytery Treasurer

As treasurer of the presbytery, Mr. George Robinson is the man responsible for the finances of our denomination. He is the chairman of the Finance Committee while Mr. Tim Farr manages the funds in the United States. The presbytery finances are carefully managed by the Finance Committee to fund each…

Genesis: God’s Book of Beginnings (4)

SUMMARY OF THE CHAPTER 4 Life in a fallen world after Adam’s sin was dramatically different from life in the perfect world where God had placed Adam and Eve, directly after their creation. After the fall of the world into sin, worship required blood sacrifices. Enmity arose between true and…

“It is Well with My Soul”

A Christian’s ultimate hope and confidence is never in present earthly circumstances. Men of the world whose souls are in danger of destruction may enjoy the sweetest surroundings of life, while a Christian may be found in the direst straits through tragedy, leading to thoughts of despair. Horatio Spafford had…

400th Anniversary of the Synod of Dort

Due to the false teaching of Jacobus Ariminius (1560–1609), who was a semipelagian denying the doctrine of original sin and man’s total inability, the reformed churches in the united Netherlands were greatly troubled by his followers, who heavily criticized the teachings of the Protestant Reformers, including John Calvin. These troublers…

Genesis: God’s Book of Beginnings (3)

SUMMARY OF THE CHAPTER 3 In this chapter, Satan is introduced as the prime mover of a diabolical temptation wherein Adam disobeyed God. Adam’s fall from holiness led to a broken covenant and man’s doom to sorrow, toil, and death. The consequences of sin were immediate and universal in the…