The Fallacy of Macroevolution

Scholars speculate regarding which of Darwin’s observations inspired his evolutionary theory. The often suggested Galapagos Island finches, which today bear his name, probably had little to do with inspiring him and are actually poor examples of his theory. Darwin raised pigeons and quite probably these birds contributesd to his evolutionary thinking. By selecting odd…

Was There An Ice Age?

When Christians hear about an ice age, they tend to think that this idea is connected with the evolutionist’s theoretical timeline of billions of years of earth’s history, which refuses to accept the teaching that God created the world in six days. For example, the well respected, and helpful online…

A Young Earth

In Shakespeare’s As You Like It Rosalind says, “The poor world is almost six thousand years old, and in all this time there was not any man died in his own person, videlicet, in a love-cause.” The play is a comedy and the witticism could illicit laughter, but it was not…